Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Cool Site

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Scared To Death

Last night before going home after my shift ended, I went to the nearest carenderia in my place to fill in my hungry stomach. However, something happened that scared the life out of me.
Inside the eatery, I spotted two guys eating together, they seemed to be friends and one of them, a tall, mascular and brown skinned guy caught my attention. Despite that manly build, he appeared gay to me because of the way he was seated. He is such a huge gay guy, my mind had uttered.
I've ordered a food to be taken out and while I was waiting for it to be served, a man bumped behind me. Glancing towards his direction, I saw him headed towards his motorbike and it seemed he was saying something offensive but which I vaguely understood. All of a sudden, the gay guy stood up and confronted him. Based on his reaction, it appeared he was furious and in bellicose mood. I miscontrued him to be gay. Both of them were in a heated argument and within a moment, the ungracious man grabbed something from the ground. My knees shoke when I saw a half sized hollow block on his hand. The commotion intensified when the companion of that misconstrued gay guy picked up an equally huge hollow block. Imagining huge hollow blocks flying in the air, blood splattering all over the place gave me goose bumps and scared me to death.
Good thing that before the bloody fight erupted, the equally frightened tindera handed my food. Without batting an eyelash, I immediately grabbed the plastic container and walked as fast and as furtive as I can away from them. It gave me a sigh of relief. Few meters away from the fight scene, screams reverberated and bystanders not so distant came flocking.
Such incident really freaks me out.
Saturday, April 19, 2008

The days preceeding my vacation were really tough. I lost my wallet and an inconceivable petty event took place that had me missed my flight. I had rebooked it but I was charged more than twice from the original cost of the ticket. That was too much but I accepted it without any complaints as I was in dire need to be home before the actual date of the wedding. Those incidence were melancholic and had almost left me at the verge of giving up but it never thwarted me from going home.
Seeing some of my relatives and my mother waiting for me outside the airport smothered all the nostalgia and plights that life had dished out on me. My mom's presence filled me with so much joy that I immediately hugged her tightly. Me, my mom and my two sisters are not really that close. We don't bond and talk that much like most siblings and their mother would normally do. My two sisters are home buddies while I am always out of the house and spend most of my time hanging out with my friends. Though we are not expressive and showy about how much we care and love one another, deep inside we know we love each other more than anybody else.
Being away from them because of my work made me value every moment I have with my family. So when I came home, I took the moment to show to them how much they mean to me. I didn't do it by saying I love you. Honestly, I feel ashamed in uttering those words and I haven't said it to anyone yet even to my dearest friends. I did it by simply starting a conversation with them and enjoying every second of it. If before I used to eat my meals in front of the television, this time I spent it with them and discussed anything under the sun. I swear, it brought me so much happiness by just doing it. It made me realize that what's lacking in our family is conversation.
Beside talking to them as often as I can, I also did most of the household chores especially washing the dishes. When I was a student, household chores were one of the reasons of fights in our house. I was so lazy that I always whined and stomped my feet as loud as I can whenever my mom asked me to do a certain task. I would even malingered to shirk my assigned chores. Now that I've grown up and realized how I love my family, I've done almost all chores in the house excluding the laundry. hehehe.. Those were the things I did that I thought would strengthen the bond between us. And I believe it worked as we've already shared our secrets and plans for our future.
My sister's wedding was succesful and that especial event was filled with bliss and merriments. The happiness I felt seeing my sister walked the aisle of the church going to the altar with my mom on her side transcended all the mishaps that had befallen on me. That moment made me realize that happiness can only be pleasurable and meaningful if it was felt after a series of frustrations and pains. And those strings of mishap happened to me to measure how far I would go, how long I would endure and how much I would sacrifice just to be with my family.
The vacation only lasted for 8 days. It was really short but I savored every moment I spent with my family and I will cherish those wonderful memories with them. This Christmas and New Year, I have planned to visit them again and this time, I'll make sure it would be longer than this.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Charlie Bit Me
The older brother has a funny voice and British accent. I just love the way how he said "ouch" and "Charlay bit me", it's like a music in my ears and the look on his face when he said it from 0:21 to 0:23 is priceless. And Charlie is indubitably the cutest baby I have ever seen on TV or Internet. His bald, huge head and his smile are adorable. He looks so fragile yet I want to pinch him till he cries. I just love the way how he giggled when his brother was hurting. How I wish I could have kids as cute and adorable as Charlie and his big brother.
Here's the video.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Here are some photos of world class skyscrapers:
Friday, April 4, 2008
Intel to Pull Out?

I just hope they would go for the latter as this retreat will have a negative impact in our economy. My compassion goes out to their Filipino employees who will bear the brunt by this said pull-out especially now that prices of commodities have skyrocketed. May the Intel officials, despite the staggering high cost of electricity in our country, would realize that Filipinos are hard-working, dedicated and talented workers and may this realization aids their decision regarding the fate of their site in the Philippines.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Unscrupulous Taxi Drivers