I'm probably one of the luckiest sons in the world for having such a wonderful mama named Clarita.
Mama raised a brood of three by herself when Papa went to heaven when I was still three years old. Growing up, I saw how she worked hard and sacrificed a lot to raise the three of us. She's a supermama who juggled work, home and still have time take good care of us. Mama is not the typical mother who is expressive and showy about her love to us. She rarely say I love you and talk to us in the most intimate way. Despite that less talk and bonding moment, she never failed to provide us everything we needed.
Mama was strict when we were still young. I still remember how I was upbraided when I puched my older sister on her back when she changed the channel. Whenever we ate meals, we were always careful when eating as she doesn't want to see foods spilled on the table. We were always mindful not to heaped our plates with food because she doesn't want us to waste food not eaten. I feared her whenever she's around the house because I know she would scold me again for not doing my assigned household chores or for doing it sloppily. And so I hid all the broom sticks in our house before she came home from work so she can't use it to beat me.
There was one time I hated her so much after she had scolded me that I prayed to the Lord to take her to heaven. But after my anger dissipated, I immediately prayed back ardently and recanted all I had prayed earlier. I was such a lazy, selfish and a bad son and I deserved all the punishment she had given me.
But the years I was away from home made me look at things from a different perspective. I learned that her style of motherhood was the best for us. We grew up to be strong, independent, and steadfast. I began to see her as a woman of strength, a woman of faith.
Mama, thank you so much for bringing me out into this wonderful world. Thank you for your hardwork and sacrifices so we can live in this world with ease and comfort. Thank you for being strict as they made me become who I am right now. I may not be the most successful person out there, but I have great conviction and loyalty. And thank you for showing me what uncondional love REALLY means. Thank you for everything. Happy Mother's Day, Mama.

1 comment:
Sweet...(Belated) Happy MOther's Day to your mom!
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